Article by Nathaniel
Weight Lose is a gradual process that requires time, consistence and patience, unlike what some preached out there. Because it will cause you changing some habits that you like in order to manage your weight. It is very possible if you are serious with your recommended weight management programs. Having a normal weight is good for our health, because it decreases our chances of having other health challenges/risk like Obesity, Diabetes, Stroke, Arthritis, Hypertension and many more. You see a lot of people complaining that weights lose do not work for them as a result they abandon the program, no! It does work; it is only that they regard it as a short term program; it is not so, weight lose is a long term program. So be committed to your plan, stay focused and don?t be discouraged. The basic strategies for achieving your healthy weight lose are as follow: Know your weight, body weight can be assessed by using Body Mass Index(BMI) and Waist Line ( WI). Normal weight is 18.5 ? 24 Over weight is 25-29 While 30 and above is 0besity Waist Line is 40 inches for Men and 35 inches for women anything above these is considered to be overweight. Change your style of life, don?t be the type that eats every thing that crosses his/her way, in essence be discipline with what you eat. Let your weight lose be gradual because if it is too fast it can result to other health complications. Always eat food that is low in fats, because foods high in fats always produce high calories that can promote overweight. So eat foods of low calories, reduce in take fatty foods like Full Cream Milk, Salad Cream, Butter, Fried Food, Cake, Red meat, Pastries to mention but few. This food has high level of fat in them. So eat foods are low in fats like Poultry food but not poultry skin, Wheat meal, Skimmed milk, Cereals, Fish and a lot of others. Eat foods rich in fibers, because food high in starch and fibers are low in fat and very good for our health. Food like Whole Grain, Wheat, Green Plantain, Oat, Wheat Bread, Millet etc. Avoid taking much sugary drinks like Mineral, Processed Fruit Juice. Do not eat fried foods much; instead eat grilled, boiled or baked foods. exercise regularly to help keep you fit and your health in shape, because physical exercise does burn out excessive fats in the body. Avoid junk foods because they are over 90% sugar. Always try to prepare your own food in order to be able to control what you eat. Eat enough fruits and vegetables regularly. Drink enough water always, to avoid the temptation of sugary drinks. Have control over your appetites. Avoid taking pills or Fads diet because they are temporary measures that can make your weight resurface later. Reduce the size of food that you eat and the food most not be fatty. Cultivate the habit of biking always mostly on hilly path. Losing weight is the combination of your eating habit, what you eat and your consistent regular exercises. You must reduce your intake of calories/fatty food, food that can promote fats in body.
About the Author
I am Nathaniel a health commentator, we treat health related issues and challenges and profer solution to them.
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I am Nathaniel a health commentator, we treat health related issues and challenges and profer solution to them.
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whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.
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